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World Immunization Week 2022

Did you know the first vaccine was developed in 1796? Since then, vaccines have enabled people to thrive protected from the threat of devastating diseases.

From the first vaccine developed to protect against smallpox to the newest vaccines used to prevent severe cases of COVID-19, vaccines have helped keep people healthy for more than two centuries.

Vaccines help make it possible for everyone to pursue a life well-lived. Because of vaccines, parents can worry less about their children suffering from devastating diseases that once plagued past generations.

According to the World Health Organization, more than 1.1 billion children have been immunized over the past two decades, savings 4 to 5 million lives each year and helping reduce child deaths by half.

Vaccines are one of the most impactful scientific innovations of all time, helping to protect generations of people against infectious diseases throughout their lives. A culmination of 200 years of research, worldwide collaboration, and rigorous testing has led to the development of safe and effective vaccines for more than 25 diseases.

When everyone receives the vaccines they need, people can have peace of mind knowing they are better protected from disease and can do more of the things that bring them joy. Vaccines give everyone the opportunity to reach their full potential and pursue a life well lived.

Tagged As: Prevention and Wellness

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