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Ray's Story: Cancer Care in Marshall County

When Ray was faced with a cancer diagnosis, he chose McFarland Clinic in Marshalltown for his care because of the convenience and the quality care provided by the physicians and staff. Watch his story.

Read Ray's Story in his own words:

When I start thinking about some of the stuff I've been through, I've always tried to keep a positive attitude about it.

When I first was told that I had CLL–Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia–it was something that we were going to deal with, and we were going to make the best of it.

The people that I talked to were getting good care at McFarland in Marshalltown. Being able to just get up, have breakfast, and drive five minutes up to the clinic, you just jump on board for it. You're getting the same care. You've got the same quality people, so it just made it much more easy.

If it wasn't for Dr. Merchant, I truly don't think I would be here today. That first visit, there was a bond that started right away I felt. It's comfortable being around somebody that's easy to talk with.

Because of the doctors and staff at McFarland Clinic, I feel extremely comfortable, knowing that they have the knowledge to do for me what's going to make me better and get me back on the mend so that I can live a comfortable life. They're always friendly, they know you by name, they make sure that you're always comfortable. They're angels.

McFarland's got a good team of people. There's no doubt about it.

Tagged As: Cancer

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