Extraordinary Health
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After two kidney transplants and a bout with cancer, Jason knows the importance of regular health exams. Watch and hear his story in his own words.
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So my health journey began when I was 18 years old, going in for a sports physical for fall athletics, and found out that my blood pressure was off the charts. And that's when we got into the whole kidney transplant issue, finding out that my kidneys were failing, and went through the process of going through a kidney transplant.
It was incredibly scary. I wanted to put it off, I wanted to ignore it. But the problem wasn't going to fix itself, and I needed to get in to be seen.
To have an established relationship with a primary care physician, I believe, is very beneficial. My primary care physician knew some of the things in my background to be able to order those second tests that somebody that didn't know my background, it would have took them some digging in my medical files to get to. A couple weeks can make a big difference with something like cancer. If my primary care physician wouldn't have ordered those tests when he did, it may have been prolonged even longer.
I wouldn't be putting off any of my exams or screenings due to either not wanting to go to the doctor or COVID, simply because it could be the difference of, you could be within weeks of not having a solution, being terminal versus finding a cure, being able to be treated, being able to be taken care of.
One of the things my health journey has taught me is you do need to listen to your body. If something's hurting, doesn't seem right, you do need to get into a doctor. A lot of times, it could be something very simple; it could be something pretty bad that needs to be treated and needs to be treated relatively quickly for a positive outcome. But listening to your body is incredibly important.