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Whether you're a beginner or an experienced runner, drills can help improve your strength, coordination and balance to help you become a better runner.
Every runner goes through a running Pose, Falls forward and Pulls the foot up from the ground. This is known as Pose, Fall, Pull Running. Here are three simple drills to help you work on these skills from Barb Palas, MPT, SCS, ATC at McFarland Clinic Physical Therapy.
Do your legs feel heavy during a run? Do you get calf pain during or after a run? Here's a running drill to help practice the skill of pulling your foot up under your hips using your hamstrings while you run. In this drill you "catch the ankle" and develop strength and elasticity for your run. This skill practice helps you with pulling your foot up from the ground. Start with a little knee bend and run in place. Catch your ankle by pulling your foot up under your hips using your hamstrings. Do this for three to five reps, then just barely pull the foot up. This is about the height you're going to have during your run. Catch the ankle, then just barely pull, run in place, fall, and run. |
This is a lunge pull combo you can try before or after your run. First get down in a lunge position. Now you will come straight up with the hip and pull the foot under. Do this three times, then come up and add a little hop. Stay up and now pulling with the hop, press your hips forward and fall forward. Enjoy your run! |
Are you working on increasing your speed or just trying to run without pain? Run faster and stay pain free when you fall and pull, spending more time in the air and less time on the ground. Doing this reduces impact and the chance of injury at any distance or speed. Using a wall or other sturdy support, first just fall with both feet on the ground. Work on feeling comfortable with just letting go a little bit to feel the fall. Make sure your fall from your center using gravity. Keep the body in line: ears - shoulder - hips - ankles, and fall as a unit. The sooner you pull the foot, the quicker you recover your Pose so you can Fall-Pull and keep running any speed or distance. Next stand on one foot in the Pose position and fall. See if you can pull before you get to the wall and catch yourself. Then try two steps with fall and pull. "Fall Up Up." The more you practice this, the more you will do it during your run. |